The Past Perfect- Exercises


A. Make the past perfect continuous or the past simple:
1. I __________ (wait) for hours, so I was really glad when the bus finally ________ (arrive).

2. Why ______________ (be) the baby’s face so dirty? He ________________ (eat) chocolate.

3. I ____________(see) John yesterday, but he ___________ (run) so he was too tired to chat.

4. It ____________ (rain) and the pavement ________________ (be) covered with puddles.

5. When I ____________ (arrive), it was clear that she _________________ (work). There
were papers all over the floor and books everywhere.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the  verbs in brackets.

1. Peter was Sally's best friend. She _________(know) him all her life.

2. The children were wet because they ________(play) football in the rain.

3. We were very hungry because we____________ (not / eat).

4. I was delighted when I found my keys. I_________ (look) for them for hours.

5. She was exhausted because she _______(work) since eight o'clock that morning. 6. 
Everything was white because it _________(snow).

7. The passengers were cross because the airline _________(lose) everyone's bags. 8. I________ (not / see) Jacob for several years, but I recognised him immediately.

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