Exercises (Gerunds-Infinitives) -with answers!

A. Complete the following exercise with gerund or infinitive forms of the indicated verbs.

1. What do you want (do) tonight?
2. I feel like (go) to a movie.
3. It's not so bad (tell) a white lie, is it?
4.I don't think (lie) is ever right.
5. It isn't wrong (defend) yourself, is it?
6.I think (defend) yourself is the right thing to do if you have a
good reason.
7. Why did you end up (major) in forestry?
8.I've always loved (be) outdoors. And I've always had trouble
(do) desk jobs.

B. Complete the following exercise with gerund or infinitive forms of the indicated verbs.

1. She decided (move) in another city.
2. Grammarbank is one of the best websites (practice)
English grammar.
3. Alicia enjoys (watch) soap operas on television.
4. She refuses (listen) to her father.
5. Students want (get) good grades.
6. Many drivers avoid (drive) in traffic.
7. Do you feel like (eat) hamburger?
8. I can't imagine (jump) out of a flying jet.
9. The president wishes (end) the war.
10. I would love (see) that movie. I heard it's really good.
11. Mrs. Rogala is a really good teacher. She always offers
(help) her students.

C. Choose gerund or infinitive form of the verbs.

1. Belinda is looking forward to_____________(have) a reply from his friend.
2. Hey, you look tired! How about_____________(take) a break from work for a bit?
3. I can't afford_____________(have) my Master's degree at a private university.
4. The criminal avoided_____________(confess) the truth.
6. If you don't give up_____________(talk) too much, everybody will get bored.
7. Ken's lawyer advised him_____________(call) his wife as soon as possible.
8. Helen's boy friend asked her if he fancies_____________(grab) a cup of coffee.
9. After the accident, the old man struggled_____________(stand up).
10. The beautiful girl denied_____________(be) in love with the suspect.

Answers ⇓ ⇓

Exercise A.

1. What do you want (do) tonight?
2. I feel like (go) to a movie.
3. It's not so bad (tell) a white lie, is it?
4.I don't think (lie) is ever right.
5. It isn't wrong (defend) yourself, is it?
6.I think (defend) yourself is the right thing to do if
you have a good reason.
7.Why did you end up (major) in forestry?
8.I've always loved (be) outdoors. And I've always had trouble

     (do) desk jobs.

Exercise B. 

 1. She decided to move in another city.
 2. Grammarbank is one of the best websites to practice
     English grammar.
 3. Alicia enjoys watching soap operas on television.
 4. She refuses to listen to her father.
 5. Students want to get good grades.
 6. Many drivers avoid driving in traffic.
 7. Do you feel like eating hamburger?
 8. I can't imagine jumping out of a flying jet.
 9. The president wishes to end the war.
10. I would love to see that movie. I heard it's really good.
11. Mrs. Rogala is a really good teacher. She always offers
     to help her students.
Exercise C.
1. having
2. taking
3. having
4. confessing
5. to cancel
6. talking
7. to call
8. grabbing
9. to stand up
10. being

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